Blind Acrylic Art Gallery

One of our premiere products, the Blind Acrylic Art Gallery, is inspired by art from the collection of CFA Kwabene Keene. Kwabene’s art is rich in color and shows clear mastery of the form. Which is even more amazing considering Kwabene is color blind! The Blind Acrylic Art Gallery is an incidental learning and healing product that teaches viewers about color blindness, while providing healing through art. The amazing paintings and digital art pieces produced by Kwabene Keene, rich with relaxing scenery and calming color pallets can serve as distraction therapy with the potential to reduce pain perception by up to 30%! Utilize it during stressful situations to reduce anxiety, which can lead to positive health outcomes for the viewer.

Check out the blind acrylic clothing store for Fashion Inspired by a Colorblind Artist

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